Unbounded healing – journeying with advanced souls to overcome obstacles through healing. Co-creating growth and ascension.

On my path I have developed greater connection with the earth alongside exploration into higher realms. I discovered I am here to guide and support transformation with other conscious beings. I trained intensively in self-healing after a profound spiritual awakening. Getting stuck and breaking free. Always finding trust, hope and higher states of bliss. Rising from my trials wiser and stronger I was guided to share my rich experience. I have now been training and practising the wonder of healing with other souls for 3 years.

It’s time to feel good. Allow yourself to be supported and learn how to create magic with me

Why I am Passionate About My Work

I know the profound difference that healing has made in my life and my ongoing journey.

There is great beauty in witnessing transformation. Connecting with another on a deep level and making profound shifts.Creating peace out of chaos. Being able to share my wealth of experience. Following my soul purpose.

I share in the energy of the progress my clients make. It is an honour to be invited to dive into the world of another and journey with them.

Book a Session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.

Getting clarity in the heart

Issue: "I´ve been wondering if the boyfriend I am with, is meant to be my Spiritual Partner, because I had a feeling I was going to meet my Spiritual Partner in a Conference I´m going to in the summer. And now I am confused. Shall I just let go of my fears and love my boyfriend here? What if because of being attached to him I lose "the One"?"

Response: I wonder why you don’t trust yourself to manifest your highest good? If you have set clear intention for opening to the highest and most fulfilling relationship for yourself then all should be in order.  

If you meet “the One” at the conference then I don’t think there is anything stopping your current partner from falling away. I’m not sure I totally agree with a theory of ‘the One’ but going with your words here. Personally I have been lucky to have met a number of ‘Ones’.  

What you are describing is fear of attachment and fear of missing out. That attachment might not be in your best interest. You are not sure that what you have with your current is a true love connection or is based on some kind of neediness?

I don’t normally give direct advice but if you are asking “should I let go of my fears” then usually a yes! I mean we need the odd fear to protect ourselves obviously but don’t really want to be making personal decisions based on fear. If you feel love for your boyfriend then feel it and see what happens. I mean what if he’s “the One” and you miss out on him? If there is something really big and important that puts you off the connection with this current man then listen to that.

I upgrade your guides in relation to this.  

I’m going to do some clearing for ‘not trusting yourself to make relationship decisions’. This is based on past history. And I will work on bringing in greater trust of yourself, your relationship compass, and the unfolding of you most joyful path.  

I did a clearing meditation here. Bringing in clarity from the higher chakras and trust from the lower chakras. Meeting in the heart.