Laura Bolton - multi-dimensional healer

How i came into healing

I came to my own healing with a persistent infection which I tried medical and herbs for and was getting nowhere. Later, as my spiritual understanding increased, I realised my body was screaming and shouting at me for being in a toxic situation.

I had experience with a number of healers along my awakening journey until I came across a course which taught self-healing. The course was called Transforming Blockages curated by Remi Thivierge and Jill Miller.

I dedicated intensive hours immersing myself in their multi-dimensional tools and practices for self-healing and realised this rich knowledge and experience really needed to be shared. What I had within me was too valuable to keep to myself. It occurred to me that the immense time and effort I had been putting in was not just for me, it was for a greater purpose. And that this whole time I had been in training.

I started practicing with peers, and on friends and soon realised – “I’m really good at this!”. The fact that this phrase even entered my consciousness made me know beyond doubt that this was my calling. I had never said that about myself before, I have never felt that before. It was this on top of the feedback and tangible results among practice participants.

I asked Remi if he would consider doing a certification course for those of us who had started using the techniques on others and sure enough, 6 months later, that’s what happened!

The healers I have seeing me through life right now are invaluable and I am here to do the same for others. We all need to look out for each other. We all benefit from support.

I know it is time to give up my day job in International Development research because, although I love it, I am replaceable in that role. My skills as a healer are unique. What I have developed as my own style, along with the training, is truly something special. I love being intuitive and analytical at the same time.

Another clear message that healing is my path is when I do a session for someone, I feel truly amazing afterwards. Entering into magical realms and journeying with the soul of another brings an after-glow which can’t be fully understood, and doesn’t need to be. I just know that it is. And I am incredibly lucky to have work that is so genuinely uplifting.

Why i love my job

I know the profound difference that healing has made in my life and my ongoing journey.

There is great beauty in witnessing transformation. Connecting with another on a deep level and making profound shifts. Creating peace out of chaos. Being able to share my wealth of experience. Following my soul purpose.

I share in the energy of the progress my clients make. It is an honour to be invited to dive into the world of another and journey with them.

Earth goddess and cosmic traveller

One foot planted firmly on the earth – the other embracing outer dimensions. And having these running together. Co-existence of being human and life as a star being.  

I bring a spirit of adventure to life and am open to the new.

I have broad and deep experience to share. Authority. Expert. Visionary.

Love is at my core. Magic in the heart that radiates outwards. I am tapped into the source of unconditional love.

My passionate, fiery desire allows my heart to speak out.

I stay connected to fun, not taking life too seriously, enjoying myself.

I value peace, wellbeing, calm, harmony, and being at one. 

Friends describe me as - deep, in flow, content, wise, powerful, flexible, magical, and intuitive.

Sacral is my primary chakra

Pleasure is a sacred part of my life.

Asides from the obvious, this includes my martial arts training and immersion in deep electronic music.

I love being around water – connection to the sacral principle of flow.

My understanding is that your primary chakra is both your most powerful but also that which carries the most wounding. It’s certainly where I have done a lot of healing, particularly stuff carried from past lives.

My astrological birth chart

My planetary placements:

If you’re an astro geek and you want to see the chart of the healer you’re working with then look me up on these birth details – born 1st March 1980, 2.50am, Redhill England UK (GMT/UTC+0).

Starseed ancestry

In a soul reading I was told that my soul group of origin is Arcturian. This resonates deeply. I work with Arcturian high beings in my healing and transformation work.

How I nourish my heart and my soul

Music and dance

Raver turned free dancer. DJ.

Got some technics turntables in 1997, was a die-hard junglist. Loved mixing and raving. Branched in to other genres over the years - house, prog, trance, breaks, old skool, techno, dubstep, grime... Still go to night clubs or festivals now and again but dance now more at 5 Rhythms classes, ecstatic dance, and sober rave. I’m stuck on vinyl, and like to put together multi-genre mixes or just get lost in deep melodic techno.

Music for me is very visceral. It speaks to me in a way that words cannot and holds me like nothing else. Dance to me is a merging and surrender to the music. It provides both connection and escape. Heaven and earth. Lose yourself and find yourself.

I have sets on Mixcloud

Martial arts

I train in traditional Japanese ninpo and ju jutsu. The spiritual depth and meaning of my martial arts training cannot be described in words. You won’t find me talking about it much. It’s almost too personal and sacred to talk about. And it is a practice, an experience, not a wordy philosophy that I feel the need to explain. At least not right now anyway. I mention it only because it is a deep core part of my soul and is fundamental to my existence and well-being. If you think martial arts is about fighting then think again. And if anyone reads this and feels called to explore a local club then do it! Try and find something traditional (rather than sport) and spiritual would be my advice, but each to their own.

Also, I teach tai chi and qigong in my community- Cheng-man Ching style. I have a ten-week course on YouTube Channel: Exploratory Tai Chi

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