My Work

My training and experience

I had been going deep with different alternative healers for a few years and a series of events led to an intense spiritual awakening in 2016. Shortly after this I started having profound telepathic experiences with other humans. In these connections I realised I had extraordinary abilities in clairsentience. As time went on I was constantly honing these abilities and pushing into outer realms of consciousness. Developing an understanding of human connections in other dimensions.

I took a self-healing course - Transforming Blockages with Remi Thivierge and Jill Miller. Among a rich variety of learning on this programme was dousing. Pairing my psychic skills with the pendulum work was an incredible force. I practiced daily, sometimes for many hours at a time (and still do). I clear for my soul group, past lives, ancestry, dark energies, trauma, sub-conscious blocks, sub-personalities, and self-sabotage. Wounds of abandonment, rejection, neglect, fear, failure. I discovered starseed ancestry.

I immersed myself in the guided visualisations from this course and the follow up – Going Higher and Deeper. Learning how to nourish my energy system and connecting this to the energy of my soul and to source. Nourishing and harmonising my inner male and female to create union within. Invoking high beings to guide, support and fill me up. Deeply embodying outer dimensional realities.

I started working with these skills on others and discovered that I was able to support people in making profound shifts in their lives.

I did a practitioner course last year - the Multidimensional Transformation Training Programme with Remi Thivierge who assessed and certified me to be a practicing healer.

And here I am.