Unbounded healing – journeying with advanced souls to overcome obstacles through healing. Co-creating growth and ascension.

On my path I have developed greater connection with the earth alongside exploration into higher realms. I discovered I am here to guide and support transformation with other conscious beings. I trained intensively in self-healing after a profound spiritual awakening. Getting stuck and breaking free. Always finding trust, hope and higher states of bliss. Rising from my trials wiser and stronger I was guided to share my rich experience. I have now been training and practising the wonder of healing with other souls for 3 years.

It’s time to feel good. Allow yourself to be supported and learn how to create magic with me

Why I am Passionate About My Work

I know the profound difference that healing has made in my life and my ongoing journey.

There is great beauty in witnessing transformation. Connecting with another on a deep level and making profound shifts.Creating peace out of chaos. Being able to share my wealth of experience. Following my soul purpose.

I share in the energy of the progress my clients make. It is an honour to be invited to dive into the world of another and journey with them.

Book a Session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.

Moving on in career

Issue: "Although I love what I do, I know it’s time to move on. This type of work isn’t serving me anymore. I’m feeling a strong nudge that it’s time for this phase to end, and it’s time to begin something new. I’ve felt this way for a couple years.

The thing is, I get busy in the day-to-day tasks, and suddenly a couple months will zip by before I even realize it. I know that if I don’t intentionally make a change, I’ll be doing this work forever.

In January 2022, I promised myself that this is the year to make a move. I suddenly felt fear about not being able to make a living if I change careers. After all, I make good money now, so making a change (especially in a wonky economy) is risky."

Response: First, I found guides you have that are very attached to you that have served you really well up to this point but it is time for you to move on from them, these guides have been thanked and released. They are not bad guides just guides you have outgrown. They can be repurposed now to where they are needed.

I bring in higher wiser guides to take you forward in fulfilling your soul purpose and mission. Ask and receive from these guides and your higher self on any steps you can take to move forward and change your situation. At some point you may need to take a leap, trust that they will support you.

When I spoke to the part of you that feels fear around changing career I really felt it in my heart. Not pain or anxiety but a feeling of love. A really nice feeling. It feels like there is someone connected to your current job that you don’t want to separate from.

This is for you to explore! It may be romantic or familial love and it may be more than one person, it will make sense to you. I can understand that you would not want to leave this behind. Understand that important connections will stay if they are important, make sure and solidify them before you go. New connections of this type are also possible when you move on, and change.