Why I stopped healing my triggers

I realised that by taking messages from emotional or physical pain I set up a template for how I want to be spoken to. I respond to discomfort. Give me distress and I’ll take action from there!

I think we often come into the healing journey from this point but just because that is the beginning it doesn’t mean that is how it should continue! We need to make sure we continue to change our practices to support our journey.

️I mean, how about “ask me nicely or show me gently what I need to heal to serve the community?”. And how about being pre-emptive and pro-active?It was not an easy habit to break and I am still exploring it.

Two things I have done. 1) I have a schedule for proactively healing in certain areas. 2) I have opened to much more gently messaging.

1) By being proactive and scheduled with my healing I am not inviting negativity. I am not looking for darkness and therefore attracting it. I am taking control and embracing my vast abilities to heal and be of service to the collective, my soul group, my family and therefore myself as we interweaved. I am saying to my guides you don’t need to upset me now to prompt me to serve myself and others, I am showing up and doing it myself within these boundaries. I love using my power and I am going to do it on my terms.

2) Getting messages that don’t involve discomfort but are a nudge that something needs looking at. These are still coming. I have had to be quite strict on not responding to old triggers. The new messaging includes getting song lyrics in my head, perpetuating, a song I haven’t heard for years. Or one of my kids singing something. I did a visualisation with a healer once where a dark boat on the horizon represented dark energies and now when I see one I ask “what can I clear in this area?”. I used to see the boat, have a sense of foreboding, and then wait for the negativity to roll in ….. and then clear. With this weird misconception that if I looked for darkness it would find me. But now I am establishing boundaries with it.

Sometimes I am triggered and I have to sit on my hands not to do healing for it. I am learning better to be with the unease and reinforce my message – I do not take action based on negativity anymore. And it can wait for it’s allotted time slot or be shown to me in a different way.

I don’t think this advice is for everyone. Generally I advise people to listen to their triggers. It is more for anyone who feels like they have got stuck on the healing treadmill!

It was a training with Andrea Hess that helped open me up to thinking differently about this. Thank you Andrea!

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