Unbounded healing – journeying with advanced souls to overcome obstacles through healing. Co-creating growth and ascension.

On my path I have developed greater connection with the earth alongside exploration into higher realms. I discovered I am here to guide and support transformation with other conscious beings. I trained intensively in self-healing after a profound spiritual awakening. Getting stuck and breaking free. Always finding trust, hope and higher states of bliss. Rising from my trials wiser and stronger I was guided to share my rich experience. I have now been training and practising the wonder of healing with other souls for 3 years.

It’s time to feel good. Allow yourself to be supported and learn how to create magic with me

Why I am Passionate About My Work

I know the profound difference that healing has made in my life and my ongoing journey.

There is great beauty in witnessing transformation. Connecting with another on a deep level and making profound shifts.Creating peace out of chaos. Being able to share my wealth of experience. Following my soul purpose.

I share in the energy of the progress my clients make. It is an honour to be invited to dive into the world of another and journey with them.

Book a Session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.
