Allow your spirit to be broken

It’s important to allow your spirit to be broken.

We are not supposed to Zen our way through everything.We are supposed to feel the darkness. We are supposed to be pushed into tears of frustration. We are supposed to think ‘why me?’. Taking yourself to this point is the beginning of the route out. If you brush stuff off too easily the universe is going to keep pushing you until you break. So I suggest you make sure you crumble!

A couple of Mercury retrogrades ago I was coming up against the usual kind of challenges and finding my calm centre, working my way though it. And I gave myself a little pat on the back “I’m nailing this Mercury retrograde”. He heard me! He was like “oh yeah?” “think your nailing my retrograde do you?” “how about a flooded washing machine?”. Me: ”how about screw you Mercury”. Ah love him really! I’m much kinder on him these days, it does help.

Anyways, it’s been said before but it bears repeating – it’s the difficulties, the dark times that guide you to the brighter light

And when you get used to the turbulence of the awakening journey you start to get used to these times, and even usher them in. You can observe them with trust and honour. Not with detachment but with objectivity. You learn to move towards the discomfort and feel it without fear. Embracing the full gamut of human emotion that we are here to experience. Trusting in the Divine order of things and knowing that everything is working out for the best, even when it feels like shit.

Book a session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.