My square is my gift

During my immersive self-study of astrology I noted one day that mercury in transit was trine my natal ascendant. A harmonious flow for communications.

Teaching my tai chi class that same day I couldn’t believe how the words were flowing effortlessly from my mouth. Anything I wanted to express was being articulated so beautifully. How nice to not be umming and ahing and scratching around trying to explain what I wanted to express!

And then I realised that this is what life was like for normal people. People who don’t have Mercury square their ascendant (exact to 1 minute) in their natal chart. And I actually shed a tear and allowed myself a little inner foot-stamping “it’s not fair” moment.

To experience flow in something that I am normally so blocked in was painful because it highlighted that difficulty. That difficulty which is such a normal part of my life I don’t even recognise it. Only when it is relieved for one day do I actually realise how hard it is. Woe is me :(

I was recounting this to a friend later, the story flowing eloquently from me. A friend who had been in a webinar with me when our teachers referred to me having ‘different healing modalities’ to theirs. “What are your other healing modalities?” she says. “Funny you should ask following the story of my current transit... my other healing modality is something I call non-verbal healing. I am developing this because it works around my difficulty with verbalising the energies and dimensions I can access when I do healing work. It allows me to powerfully operate in places that are beyond words. We are limited as humans to experiences we can describe and this goes beyond”.

So I do a non-verbal healing session for her. One of the deepest and most profound healing sessions I have ever done for anyone. One which I can’t describe not just for ethical reasons, but because it is indescribable. That’s kind of the point. It really did go beyond the limits of earth words.

And that’s when I realised – my square is my gift. And that maybe…. – just maybe – we do live in a benevolent universe after all.

Book a session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.