What is twin flame?

Nobody knows. It is not a scientific concept but a theory. There is not an authority on it. We are discovering the usefulness (or not) of the term as we evolve here.

Loosely, the theory as I understand it is that at the dawn of origination we were one giant soul and we went through a series of splits until we became individual souls. The last split was with your twin soul – the splitting represents masculine and feminine polarity; though we go through different incarnations as male and female.

Twin flames that find each other in this life tend to be advanced souls/starseeds. The connection brings rich and intense learning around divine love, our shadow, our purpose and everything in between! A sacred mirror. Some twins may secure union in this life and some may serve to activate each other into higher awakening before moving on. Each journey is unique. Be open to if and how it might unfold for you (or might not appear for you).

There are similar themes with close soul mate relationships. Connections with beings who were close to us as souls when we were separating at origination. If you are asking “is this my twin flame?” then you are asking the wrong question! Soul or twin flame relationships offer very similar richness (joy and pain!). I suggest dealing with what is going on rather than trying to label it.

There is a ‘twin flame community’ which offers rich learning and support. There are some using that label to fraud vulnerable people. Be discerning!

It is not a label I use much myself because I think it is divisive. You are in the ‘twin flame club’ or not – that doesn’t sit comfortably with me. It is not about exclusivity. It is also something that many have had such painful experiences with that they reject or judge the experience of others. Be careful with how you label and identify. Be careful with whom you talk to and what language you use. Be aware there is triggering and division around this term.

These connections are intense and can easily drive us to obsessive tendencies! It is useful to get support. Set intention to get the guidance you need. Including from upstairs.

Essentially it comes down to divine love, self-love. And inner union.

Book a session

Cost: £85 for an hour session.We meet on Zoom unless you are near Brighton, UK and want to meet in person.